Elbow Pain: Symptoms and Treatments

A quick Google search for “elbow pain” pulls up the following terms: “inner elbow pain”, “outside elbow pain”, “tennis elbow” and “elbow pain treatment”. All these point to just how common elbow pain is!

Let’s take a look at what elbow pain is.

Brief Anatomy of the Elbow

The elbow is a joint made up of three bones: the humerus, ulna and radius. These bones are held together by ligaments and covered with cartilage, which absorbs shock.

As we often use our arms and hands for daily activities, the elbow is one of the most important and active parts of our bodies. This means it’s often under extreme pressure of all kinds, increasing the risk of injuries. These injuries include tennis and golfer’s elbow, which are covered below. For more info,  please visit: Chiropractor in Singapore


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