Wrecked Wrists: Wrist Pain Causes and Treatments

Our wrists are so delicate yet important: from small, minute tasks like typing and writing to big movements like lifting, we use our wrists for almost everything!

However, because of this, our wrists are incredibly prone to injury. Common causes of wrist pain include:

  1. Overuse and strain, caused by grabbing, gripping and twisting repetitively. This includes holding your phone, typing, playing certain sports and musical instruments over and over again.

  2. Sprains, which occur when the wrist experiences a sudden impact such as a fall on the wrist.

  3. Arthritis, typically characterised by stiffness and inflammation and not unique to the elderly—young adults can get it too!

There are many injuries and conditions associated with these causes. Today, we’ll take a look at two of the most common issues: carpal tunnel syndrome and mummy wrist. For more info, please visit : Singapore lower back pain


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